
Human Centred Design x Edison

There is no doubt that the COVID 19 Pandemic is leaving an everlasting radical shift in the way we live our lives.  As we constantly continue to attempt to adapt to the ‘COVID Normal’  landscape The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) highlights a key question for us as designers:

“How do you innovate rapidly—and in the right ways—when behaviors and expectations are changing so much and so fast?”

Ultimately with so many behavioural shifts in so short a time, understanding the human perspective is more important than ever. Fortunately in this time of flux we’ve been able to turn to one of the core methodologies that underpins the Edison way to living and working. Our commitment to a human-centred design process. 

As the BCG outlines “Human-centered design is a powerful way to understand evolving behaviors, preferences, and pain points and to focus efforts in the right places in the right ways. By unlocking the user’s perspective, designers can build solutions that work well and work widely in our new reality”

At the Edison Agency we are consistently searching for ways to integrate a human centred design approach at the forefront of our innovative solutions which means consistently immersing ourselves in the perspectives of those that we design for. Both the end user and our customers.

Allowing us to better understand people’s needs, motivations, and pain points, means we are creating empathetic solutions that are user centred, well tested and effective in market

Take a look at some of our great work we have helped our clients bring to market here.

As well as the powerful organisational insights as a result of COVID that the BCG delved into:

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