How to lead and not follow keynote

This article was originally published was originally published by Auspack

Amber Bonney is the Founder and Managing Director of two award-winning agencies and an expert in brand and identity strategy. As a business owner, lecturer, mentor, speaker and AGDA Victoria Councillor – Amber is tenacious, passionate and an avid gin connoisseur.

As Managing Director and Head of Strategy for The Edison Agency, Amber oversees the high standards of the creative studio as well as all aspects of business operations. The Edison Agency is a multi-disciplinary strategic design consultancy whose philosophy is anchored in human-centred-design and innovation. Edison prides itself on helping customers to make meaningful connections, creating change, influencing behaviour and solving brand problems.

Amber offers businesses and brand owners intelligent and creative solutions to real commercial problems, delivering relevant and differentiated experience for the end user. With over 20 years experience across diverse industry sectors, she adopts both traditional and disruptive design methods to activate, provoke and inspire.


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